Mass protest in the streets of Skopje, inspired by crime committed in project “Skopje 2014”


Today’s mass protests, according to the placards that demonstrators are carrying, and the direction they are marching in, is dedicated to ” the crimes committed on Project Skopje 2014″

Citizens gathered in front of the Parliament to repeat demands and remind everyone what it is they are protesting about. also letting everyone know they will not stop until their demands are met. Besides the familiar well known demands, the resignation of the President, and the rescinding of his decision to pardon 56 politicians who were under investigation, and the formation of an interim government that will implement the recommendations from the Priebe Report, for fair and democratic elections. Demonstrators demanded the establishment of a Special Court for the processing of charges brought by the Special Prosecutors Office (SPO).

Activists and citizens have all insisted that in the present climate, negotiations are out of the question, even should any talks take place, then representatives from civil society organizations must be allowed to participate.

“Nikola, do not complain that about the scribbling over you Styrofoam buildings , now they have a greater artistic value. When we win, in a month, a year, we will take “Skopje 2014″ apart and give you the polystyrene to play with so you don’t get bored in your prison cell” said the activists who were in front of the Parliament, and further demanded applause for the police, who the activists say, have been brought into the capital from the southern border area.

From Parliament, citizens marched through the Triumphal Arch “Macedonia” and again pelted it with eggs and paint,  and gathered in Macedonia square around the fountain in which they poured several boxes of washing powder, symbolically showing that nothing can cleanse the criminal “Skopje 2014 Project”

Onward went the protesters to the Ministry of Culture to further express their revulsion for the ” Skopje 2014 Project” before eventually heading for the Government of Macedonia.

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