Amnesty for everyone and support from the state for VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs who will vote in favor of the Agreement with Greece, suggested DUI’s MP, Branko Manoilovski, at today’s debate regarding the constitutional amendments in accordance with the Agreement with Greece.
-For several days I’ve been listening to philosophical speeches, but all of that can be related to one issue – to join NATO and the EU. And for that, as I know, everyone thinks we should join. The problem is that VMRO’s MPs, who are wonderful people, depend on their party. I would like to propose something practical. EACH MP who will vote in favor of this proposal should be backed by the state and to guarantee his future. And the second proposal is to give amnesty for all sinners up to this point, an amnesty for everyone. It is cheaper as any other option is expensive. The prison is expensive so let’s give them amnesty, as they have suffered too much and have gone through trials. Think about it and you know we need bread on the table, our kinds to go to school. Be practical my children, I have the right to say that as I’m the oldest – said Manoilovski.
GROM’s MP Pancho Minov gave a proposal to change the constitutional name after we enter NATO and the EU.
–If our accession is conditioned by changing the constitutional name on part of the Greek side, we will have to condition to change the constitutional name after our accession into NATO and EU. We shall condition the conditioning. I propose, if this is accepted to become a proposal of the opposition. For this proposal, the government should state its stance and this should become a basis for the negotiations between the opposition on a leadership level, and then on the level of all parties. I demand that there are guarantees for the Macedonian identity that will guarantee the statehood of the Macedonian nation – said Minov.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov greeted Minov’s proposals, but he thinks that the risk of starting a new negotiating process is too big.
-To a certain part, your debate is absolutely worthwhile for further thinking. In the process of negotiations that have occurred in the past years, especially during the last which brought an exit from the dead end, we barely managed to make two ends meet and I think if we open a new process of negotiations, the risk to miss this opportunity including our neighbors is enormous. The Commission for Historical Issues was proposed for the first time on part of the Macedonian side in 2007, as a measure for building trust. Its mission is within one of the heaviest moments where the two narratives meet each other, through facts to try not to cause enemies but to reach a more inclusive process – said Dimitrov.
DUI’s MP, Artan Grubi said that the party’s stance is that the only reconciliation that can happen is the reconciliation in Brussels
-You should reconcile that you should be friends with the western world, with Trump, Merkel, May, Macron. It’s only then that you have reconcile with yourelves and with us. Reconcile and vote in favor of – said Grubi.