By signing the protocol for Macedonia’s accession into NATO, Macedonia is opening its NATO page of its history. The ceremony will be taking place at the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels, and after the ceremony is over, this country will be allowed to participate in the work of all NATO’s working groups, but without the right to vote. Со потпишувањето на протоколот за пристапување на Македонија во НАТО, земјава денеска ја отвора НАТО-страницата на својата историја. Церемонијата ќе се одвива во седиштето на Северноатлантската алијанса во Брисел, и по неа земјата ќе може да учествува во работата на сите тела на НАТО, но без право на глас.
The status of an equal country member under the name of North Macedonia this country will receive as soon as this accession protocol is signed by the parliaments of all countries members of the Northern Alliance. According to current estimations, it will happen in 9 to 18 months from now.
At the official ceremony was invited the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov, who will attend the act of signing. Macedonia’s accession protocol will be signed by current diplomatic representatives of NATO’s countries members.
“With this step, a significant step of the accession process will be taken, which will be followed by the ratification of the Accession protocol at the parliaments of the NATO’s countries members. When the Accession protocol is signed, Republic of Macedonia will participate at all of NATO’s meetings, but as a country-invitee” informs the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Greece will be the first country to ratify this protocol.
The parliamentary session in Athens is set for Friday.