Albanian expert on regional issues, Ilir Kulla appeared on the show “Komiteti” and talked about the influence of George Soros foundations in Albania and Macedonia, reports a “Meta” correspondent in Tirana.
As for Macedonia, he stressed that because of the impact of Soros, DUI could not reach an agreement with VMRO-DPMNE.
Kulla said that “Soros had used his media tools to warn DUI of committing political suicide in case it signs coalition agreement with Gruevski. ”
In Albania again, Kulla mentioned Soros’s impact on judicial reforms.
During the show, Kulla mentioned the case of the dismissal of Ylli Manjani, the Minister of Justice, who two weeks ago said on television that the proposal for judicial reform was from Soros.
According to him, the problems, were created by the US ambassadors with their presence and influence from Soros in both Balkan countries.