Aleksandar Veleski, who is suffering from cerebral paralysis, said he wasn’t allowed on the bus of JSP Skopje with his companion dog Ben. On Tuesday, this bus company issued press release, saying that people with special needs will be able to use the bus along with their assistance dogs.
As Alexandar Veleski said on his Facebook profile, today the bus driver didn’t allow him and his dog to ride the bus line 7.
JSP- Skopje, said that they found out about this incident through the social media. The company is already working on what happened through their internal control.
“If it is confirmed that the driver did not permit Aleksandar, along with his dog Ben, to enter the bus, appropriate sanctions will be imposed”, says the new announcement from JSP.
The public transport company stands firm on its decision that people with special needs and their assistance dogs will be able to use all of their services. City bus drivers are obliged to let these citizens ride the buses, along with their dogs that are specially trained for the purpose of their escort and movement.