Janeva starts to work: Gruevski, Mijalkov, Jankulovska, and “Putsch” are first in line


The cases against the former Director of the Security and Counter-intelligence (SCI) Saso Mijalkov, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, and former Ministers of Interior and Transport and Communications, Gordana Jankulovska and Mile Janakieski, in the “Putsch” case are first in line for Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, as she has already asked the Prosecutor’s Office for all the necessary details and will begin an investigation. This was announced today from the Janeva’s Office, on their official Facebook page, which was full of expert legal terminology and language, but one thing was clear, according to the initials, anyone could recognize the defendants.

They added that when deciding which cases are first, they requested all the necessary details from the prosecutors who until now were working the cases, and were asked to take into account the urgency of the cases, the stage they are in and their scope.

“In terms of the implementation of the plan to the competent prosecutors, requests were made for the submission of cases. By the Public Prosecutor Office who prosecute organized crime and corruption, a request was made for a referral, registered under RO no.90 / 15 in the form of criminal charges against SDSM for the person S.M. for the crime – bribery under Article 357, paragraph 5 in conjunction with paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and criminal offence – abuse of an official position and authority of Article 353, paragraph 5 in conjunction with paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code against S.K. For the crime – bribery under Article 357, paragraph 5 in conjunction with Article 24 of the Criminal Code and criminal offence – abuse of an official position and authority of Article 353, paragraph 5 in conjunction with paragraph 1 and in conjunction with Article 24 of the Criminal Code and H.H. For the crime – bribery under Article 358, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, and the case registered under KO no.25 / 15 (known as “Putsch”).
To the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje a request for the referral registered under WO no.770 / 15 formed in criminal charges from SDSM for N.G, G.J., M.J. and UP (unknown person) all employees of the Ministry of Interior for the criminal offence of – forgery of Article 378, paragraph 3 in connection with paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and the crime – violation of the right to vote under Article 159 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.
To the Public Prosecutor in Bitola we request a referral under the KO no.636/15 against V.T. and S.B. For the criminal offence – abuse of an official position and authority of Article 353 of the Criminal Code.
To the Public Prosecutor in Kumanovo we request a referral under no KO no. 353/ 15, formed in a criminal complaint filed by a person against an unknown person – a person responsible for mobile communications against a legal person for the criminal offence – unauthorized audio tapping recording Article 151, paragraph 1 and paragraph 6 of the Criminal Code,” says the statement from the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

As informed by the prosecution who will investigate allegations arising from the content of the “bombs” released by the opposition after receiving the cases from the prosecution, the special prosecutor is expected to make her first decisions within the legal limits, “not exceeding 16 days his request for the submission of cases. ”

Once requested, meaning today, prosecutors have a period of eight days to send it to Ms Janeva. After that the Special Prosecutor also within eight days will have to come to a decision on the jurisdiction.

“In the plan a time frame was established which will be directed requests for submission of cases in this prosecution, not exceeding 15 days between the two requests sent. The plan also includes a list of cases which will be required”, said the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

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