The appointed adviser to President Ivanov is not an authorized person for reporting the movement and stay of foreign representatives and in this case, he acted in accordance with security protocols, for which he prepared and archived reports to the competent superiors. This fast reaction stated by President Gjorge Ivanov’s cabinet came after the statement by the security adviser of the Embassy of Serbia in Macedonia, and a member of the Security and Information Agency (BIA) Goran Zivaljevic, who received the approval to enter Parliament on April the 27th by Ivanov’s adviser.
The cabinet’s announcement states that “according to the laws in Macedonia, the competent state body for communication with foreign diplomatic representatives is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while a special service in Parliament takes care of the order in the building”.
“The Cabinet of the President is not competent, nor authorized to grant a residence permit and an approval for activities of foreign representatives and diplomats in Parliament. Zivaljevic’s statement is contrary to the facts. Macedonian services did not request any of his services. After he had finished his activities in Parliament, he sent messages to persons employed in the institutions, including the appointed adviser, that he was in Parliament in order to provide an alibi and to reduce responsibility for his actions. The facts say that on that critical day, before entering Parliament, the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia i.e. the diplomat, did not request a written or verbal permission from an authorized person or a competent state body, but, after finishing his report about his activities, which does not reduce his responsibility for his unauthorized stay in Parliament”, the statement added.
The President’s cabinet also said that “in the past period, they reacted to the Ambassador of Serbia, and asked him to stop abusing the name of the adviser, in order to use it as an alibi and to avoid responsibility for the unprofessional behavior of the diplomat”.
“The case regarding Mr. Zivaljevic’s unauthorized stay in Parliament is closed, after an agreement was reached between the services”, the statement added.