Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov has appealed to Greece not to let the name issue get in the way of the cooperation between the two countries in the field of security and in dealing with the refugee crisis. The security of certain areas continues to be held hostage due to the unresolved name dispute.
“During the refugee crisis summit in Brussels, I had a meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and we talked on the subject, questions about the movement of terrorists and foreign fighters. I asked to startletting us know when Greek ships with refugees are coming, how many groups of people coming, so we can mobilize ourselves and be ready. On one day there was 14,000 people at the border without prior notice. The only level of communication out on the field is between the police. Prime Minister Tsipras promised to initiate this, but we still have had no answer. And the Director of the Public Security Bureau sent a request to his homologue in Greece, but we stil have had no response”, said Presient Ivanov at a briefing with Greek journalists who had visited Macedonia because of the refugee crisis.
Ivanov also emphasized that Macedonia has no access to the databases of Frontex and the Schengen community, nor to submit information even though it was agreed at the EU-Western Balkans summit, organised by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
Ivanov said that the name dispute reflects in other areas of cooperation and added that it is necessary to raise the level of trust and cooperation with them, and for it to be raised to the maximum.