Hoyt Yee: Pardons must be completely withdrawn, not selectively


The pardons President Ivanov granted on April the 12th, undermine not only the rule of law but also the credibility of the country which is determined to join the EU and NATO, stated Hoyt Brian Yee, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European Affairs at the US State Department after meeting with representatives of political leaders.

“It is especially important for leaders to urgently respond and restore the harm done by the presidential pardons and as soon as possible. If leaders only partially, selectively withdraw pardons, this will contribute to an even greater  sense of impunity in the country and lack of accountability”, said Yee.

The US diplomat stressed that the parties and the country’s leaders should give full support to the institutions responsible for the rule of law, including the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

“Until no-one bears the responsibility for abuses stemming from the intercepted conversations, Macedonia will remain stuck in this crisis and will not be able to make progress towards its major goals, namely NATO and the EU”, said Hoyt Yee.

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