Macedonia should not achieve an administrative agreement, but a political agreement, between the Albanian factor and the Macedonian party that wins the mandate for the future ruling coalition, and to decide once and for all the issue of the use of the Albanian language, said yesterday Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj when he appeared as a guest on the “Arena” show on Albanian television channel “Ora News”.
He added that Macedonian Albanians should be pro-Western, and that some Macedonian politicians are holding onto power by abusing the name dispute with Greece.
According to TV presenter Dritan Hila, Kosovo has a greater impact in Macedonian politics than Tirana, and asked what would be best for Albanian politicians – a coalition with SDSM or VMRO-DPMNE?
“We from Priština can not say who will be the best partner or which party is the best to make a ruling coalition, but our view is that now is the moment when all Albanian parties overcome themselves and to ensure that the essential interests of the Albanian community, and all the Albanians there, to be presented in the best possible way”, said Hoxhaj.