On the 15th of October there shall be local elections and at the same time there shall be a referendum for the new era and the new dawn that is coming for Macedonia, that no one will be able to withhold, that is backed by this nation and the people that have made comparisons, stressed VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader Nikola Gruevski, at yesterday’s rally that took place in Ohrid. Ohrid is the city from where the Coalition For a Better Macedonia began its election campaign.
“The whole nation has the only opportunity on the 15th of October to say what’s on its mind about what is happening to Macedonia, the chaos, lawlessness, the incompetence, unfulfilled promises, manipulation, smear campaigns, the misuses of the new government, the agreement with Bulgaria, unconstitutional laws that are used for manipulation, crimes and the tenders of the bosses within the government, outrage, about the ways they plan to solve the name dispute, the collapse of the economy, the way they chose a Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia and how they chose a government, for going against the will of the people, for underestimating ours and your intelligence and integrity, about the newly created chaos in the health system, the lack of ideas and the lack of interest in solving problems, the darkening of Macedonia. They are going to elect mayors and counselors, but the people will express their opinion about everything that is going on in Macedonia”, said Gruevski.
He said that they have conducted an analyses about their weaknesses and omissions, as well as how to correct them, to make personnel changes in the leadership, to strengthen the party as a conservative and people’s party, and as a citizens’ right-wing party.