The President of the VMRO-DPMNE , Nikola Gruevski said he did not receive an invitation or summons for today’s court hearing for the “Putsch” case, which has been postponed nine times. According to Gruevski, the case was postponed deliberately.
“I did not know that I was meant to appear in court today, as I was not notified. If they have some sort of record that I had been notified they should let the public see it. It is obvious why this is all being done. It’s clear why everything is being delayed and why people are looking for various excuses. They’ve even muddled up their own statements,one says that I will be called, another says that I was called, and i didn’t show up. Nor have I been called, nor have I been summoned, nor did I have any knowledge that I was meant to a witness at today’s court hearing. Ms Janeva and Mr Zaev know this all too well. It is obvious that someone needed an excuse for today’s hearing to be postponed so they can ‘buy’ another month”, said Gruevski today during his meeting with citizens in the Municipality of Karpos.
He said he would not be surprised if the whole leadership from the VMRO-DPMNE would be under suspicion.
“It’s clear whats going on here, and it’s clear to the citizens whats going on”, said Gruevski in reply to the media’s question about the 15 preliminary procedures which the Special Prosecution announced.
The VMRO-DPMNE leader believes that with such moves, they are only trying to buy time, however he is still willing to cooperate.