Grubi: The Official Use of the Albanian Language will Strengthen Society

The official use of the Albanian language will strengthen society and it is one of the key foundations of DUI’s platform for the elections on the 11th of December, said DUI spokesman Artan Grubi at the press conference, who is a list carrier in the first election district.

“Even though the Macedonian social context was dramatic in relation to the change in the Constitution, Amnesty Law, the Law for the Exchange of Territories , Decentralization, the use of the Albanian language at many local and state services, The official use of the Albanian national flag, the employment of 25.000 Albanians in the country’s administration, the erection of the Eagle monument in the Municipality of Cair as well as many other national projects by DUI, and still nothing bad happened to Macedonia or the Macedonian people”, said Grubi.

He said that Macedonian society has become more equal, more tolerant and more cohesive, and Macedonia will become much stronger if a separate law for the use of the Albanian language in Parliament is passed.