Ministers from yesterday’s government session have accepted the information on the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway represented by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway for Serbia and Montenegro, for the joint realization of the project for cleaning the OHIS yards in Skopje.
“The project aims at creating a Fund as a systematic mechanism for cleaning industrial toxic waste from the former OHIS plant in accordance with European standards, the harmonization in the field of environmental protection and the promotion of the City of Skopje as a safe, resilient and sustainable city” according to a statement from the government.
The ministers also adopted the information on the establishment of the Quality Assurance Agency in higher education.
On the proposal of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, information on a single web portal for free data was accepted at the session. Open catalogs of open data will be published on all ministries.