Katica Janeva’s statement that “the Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) has evidence in the case “Titanic” that the President, Constitutional Judges and MPs are illegitimate,” has caused a huge backlash, and heated reactions. Today terms and opinions have been mentioned such as “change of function”,”destruction of the sovereignty of the state”, and that Janeva has committed “one of the most serious crimes”.
After yesterday’s statements by Parliament and the interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev, that the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva’s accusations that key institutions are illegitimate, the state conceives this as the ‘peak of a clumsy underestimation which demolishes her own legitimacy”, reacted the whole parliamentary group of the VMRO-DPMNE.
At a press conference where the Coordinator of the parliamentary group of the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE, Ilija Dimovski spoke, the survival of the SPP was again questioned. When asked by journalists’ whether due to the qualification with her statement she is demolishing the sovereignty of the state, which is one of the most serious crimes, would Parliament submit a request to oust Janeva’s from her position, he said: “The procedure for such a change, according to the law begins with the Council of Public Prosecutors, Parliament only acts in the second instance. ”
Today the Council of Public Prosecutors again postponed the session where they were meant to review Janeva’a report on the six-months of work by the Special Public Prosecution. The reason for the delay this time was again, the absence of Katica Janeva.