Goran Trajkovski dismissed from the position as Director of the Public Revenue Office


Goran Trajkovski was dismissed from the post of Director of the Public Revenue Office (PRO), the decision was made at yesterday’s Government night session.

The new Director of the institution will be Kiril Minovski.

The Public Revenue Office was mentioned in the Priebe Report as an area that has strong criticism from the government, together with the opposition, and should arrange a change.

Goran Trajkovski’s name was mentioned in the “Bombs” published by SDSM, according to the opposition, he talked about the punishment and closure of companies and stores during the elections.

The government in August announced that a position would be opening up for appointing a new Director of the PRO, but Trajkovski remained its head and continued to lead the institution.

Goran Trajkovski was head of the PRO for nine years.

New Director of the PRO is Goran Minovski

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