Angjushev’s meeting with Garrett: Macedonia can export more to Great Britain


The VP for economic issues, Kocho Angjushev met today with the British Ambassador, Charles Garrett and they talked about the economic cooperation between Macedonia and the United Kingdom.

They concluded that the cooperation is on a satisfactory level, but there is a possibility for a better development of the economic relations, especially when it comes to the export from Macedonia.

“United Kingdom is a significant economic partner to Macedonia, a second country according to the size in the trade-off. I think that the current mutual economic cooperation is a good basis that we can upgrade especially with the decreasing of the balance of the trade deficit and the increase of the export to the United Kingdom. With the economic policies that the Government will be implementing in the forthcoming period, we shall work towards strengthening the Macedonian companies to produce products with a higher added value, to become more competitive on the regional and the European market and to increase the exporting which will contribute to opening new jobs and a faster development of the economy” said Angjushev.

Ambassador Garrett addressed the activities from the Berlin process i.e. the Summitt for the Western Balkans that took part in Trieste but also on the activities that will follow next year.

“At the Summitt in Trieste, Macedonia had a really successful introduction. The next Summitt dedicated to the Western Balkans will take place in the United Kingdom and I hope that the planned reformatory processes in the country will be realized and that the Republic of Macedonia will gain even more support at the next Summitt” said Garrett.

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