Sat, 8 February, 2025

Elections or not, screening will continue but for EU negotiations, changes to Constitution must be made


Macedonia has begun screening for the EU accession process which will end in June 2019, however, if the Prespa Accord there will be no membership negotiations, explains Bojan Maricic, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Chief Technical Negotiator in the European Integration Process.

Screening, or determining the alignment of Macedonian legislation with EU law, is a technical process and so far there have been no cases where this process has been interrupted .

“The screening process has begun and it will end in June, it is a technical process, but if the Prespa Accord fails, negotiations will not begin,” said Maricic.

The process was launched by Deputy Prime Minister Buar Osmani on September 27 in Brussels with a 40-member delegation, which included Minister of Justice, Renata Desoska.

According to the Secretariat for European Affairs, screening is a formal and technical operation conducted by the European Commission to prepare membership negotiations and is an analytical presentation of the situation in the candidate country in relation to the chapters of EU law.

The process takes about a year, after the EU’s Directorate-General for Enlargement prepares a report and presents it to the EU Council, who then decides to start the negotiations.

The screening report is in four parts: an explanation of the

Macedonia has begun screening for the EU accession process and it will end in June 2019, but if the Prespa Agreement fails to start membership negotiations, explains Bojan Maricic, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Chief Technical Negotiator in the European Integration Process of the country.

Screening, or determining the alignment of Macedonian legislation with EU law, is a technical process and so far there have been no cases of interruption.

– The screening process is over and it will end in June, it is a technical process, but if the Prespa Agreement fails, the negotiations will not begin, said Maricic.

The September 27th process in Brussels was launched by Deputy Prime Minister Buar Osmani with a 40-member delegation, which included Justice Minister Renata Desoska.

According to the Secretariat for European Affairs, screening is a formal and technical operation conducted by the European Commission in order to prepare membership negotiations and is an analytical presentation of the situation in the candidate country in relation to the chapters of the Acquis.

The process takes about a year, after the EU’s Directorate-General for Enlargement prepares a report and presents it to the EU Council, which decides to start the negotiations.

The screening report contains four parts: an explanation of the Acquis in the Chapter, Screening results – information given by the candidate country and the Commission’s assessment, Conclusions and recommendations by the Commission, and in the final part the Commission recommends to the Council whether negotiations on the Chapter will be opened, and if otherwise – which benchmarks should be set up.

On April 17, the European Commission recommended that Macedonia start negotiations with the EU in its country report. The EU Council on June 26 adopted a conditional decision to start negotiations in June 2019. However, for the start of the negotiations, the EU set Macedonia four conditions: to implement urgent reform priorities, implement the Prespa Accord, receive a positive report from the European Commission and the Council of the EU to make a formal decision to start negotiations.


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