Protesters throw eggs and bottles towards the Assembly and the police


The protestors in front of the Assembly began throwing eggs towards the building and bottles towards the police.

Someone threw a torch in front of the police, and participants called him not to do it.

There is a division among the participants how to proceed – whether peacefully or demand resignations and changes more forcefully.

Group shouts “Boo, boo,” “Resign, resign” and “Nikola’s finished” and warns that there is a possibility among them to be provocateurs who deliberately want to cause conflict.

Once they arrived they sat on the street, sang the anthem of Macedonia and lit candles.

With a minute of silence, simultaneously with those who protest in Bitola and Prilep, the crowd paid its respect to slain Neshkovski.

There is remarkably strong presence of police and the entrances of streets leading to Bit Pazar are blocked.

Although it was planned to protest in front of the government, due to the blockade, the protesters headed towards the Assembly.

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