Coalitions partners support Gruevski, but are unpleased about the Albanian platform


The president of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski held a meeting with the leaders of political parties from the coalition “For a Better Macedonia”, where the main topic were the results of the early parliamentary elections.

“The main topic is the analysis of the election results, namely, all representatives of political parties revealed their views about the arrangment and results and everything that happened in the country on election day. They were given different ideas on how should the coalition act from no onwards, and it was confirmed that the president of VMRO-DPMNE has overall legitimacy and overall support from the coalition “For a Better Macedonia,” said Ilija Dimovski, a member of the Executive Committee of the party and an MP.

In relation to the joint platform of the Albanian parties and the announced negotiations with DUI, Dimovski underlined that negotiating directives are an integral part of the election program of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition.

“If you ask me about the positions of DUI, I would like to say that we stated our views through President Nikola Gruevski’s interview. At today’s meeting, it was evident there was dissent, especially by representatives of political parties representing minority communities concerning the platform and eventually the whole discussion was followed in some form of binational dialogue between ethnic communities”, Dimovski said.

He did not specify when negotiations begin with DUI to form a government.

“The terms are clear, so I think that there is nothing controversial about it, Dimovski said referring to information from the party press service”.

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