Change of route, refugees are now going through Albania


A group of 162 Syrian refugees arrived near the Greek-Albanian border after the Balkan route leading through Macedonia and Serbia has been completely closed down.

Refugees from the Greek port of Piraeus reached the village of Konica, located 12 km from the border with Albania.

According to the media, the refugees encountered assistance and were approached by local authorities, villagers and representatives from the Red Cross, who provided food, clothing and blankets.

Albanian police have tightened controls on the border with Greece, and it has been predicted that in the coming days police experts from Italy will join them on the border.

Italian interior minister, Angelino Alfano, next week will arrive in Tirana to discuss technical issues related to joint patrols along the Greek-Albanian border.

Officially Tirana said that they are ready to take their share of responsibility in the refugee crisis but added that they have a limited capacity to accommodate refugees in their transit to Northern Europe.

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