Census 2021: Almost 35% of population of North Macedonia aged 29 or less

Фото: Бојан Блажевски

In North Macedonia, there are 638.000 people up to 29 years of age, which is 34.7% of the total resident population in the country. According to the last census performed last year, this is 1,836,713 people. On the other hand, there are 419,125 people aged from 60 to beyond 85, which is 22.8% of the total population.

According to the numbers of the census conducted by the State Statistical Office, on the 5th of September 2021, the total resident population was 1,836,713 persons. Out of these, the majority are women i.e. 50.4% while 49.6% are men.

Regarding the resident population, according to the 5-year age groups, among the “young” population, the most numerous is the group aged from 25 to 29 and it has a total of 11.145 people.

According to the age grousp, the largest percentage of the population i.e. 7% is part of the 40-44 age group (128,186 persons). Second largest is the population aged between 55 and 59 (127,752 people).

It is interesting to note that North Macedonia has evidenced 51 centenarians.