Defamation lawsuit against Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK sets a dangerous precedent
Just a few days before receiving the EU Award for Investigative Journalism in Serbia 2022 on November 16, the Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK was sentenced in a SLAPP defamation lawsuit by a Serbian court for publishing news about a criminal trial, quoting the defendant's claim...
All the “conspiracies” against Dodik: A narrative that does not stop even though time itself denies it
The narrative according to which foreign countries are working to “destroy” the Republic of Srpska and/or Milorad Dodik, the newly elected president of this BiH entity, is often published in numerous media, including on public service.
Claims about “coloured revolutions”, “a plan to destroy...
News Front: Pro-Russian disinformation from Crimea is also reaching Bosnia and Herzegovina
Photo: Freepik/@ fidaolga
The private news agency News Front, which operates from the territory of Crimea, is a frequent propagator of pro-Russian disinformation in our area since it also publishes content in the Serbian language.
The News Front web portal operates in several languages in which...
Ambassador Rohde’s statement about the visa liberalization date is misinterpreted
The circulation of false information with supposed dates/months of when visa liberalization for Kosovo will take place is still continuing. Such unverified news have been distributed over the years, feeding false hopes among Kosovo citizens regarding the deadlines for the finalization of this process....
Disinformation about the “incursion” of the KSF in Zubin Potok
On September 26, 2022, the media in Serbian language “Novosti” published a news with the claim that a convoy of cars of the Kosovo Security Force (FSK) passed through Zubin Potok. It made the claim without relying on reliable sources of information. The largest...
Misrepresentations of the “Office for Kosovo” about the motives of the attack on two Serbs
The so-called “Office for Kosovo” in the Government of Serbia has reacted again after another attack on two Serbian citizens. The attack has been interpreted as a consequence of the policy of the official Pristina and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, but...
Fake news about the numbers of people infected with COVID-19
The media “” on September 17 published an article where it claimed that in Kosovo there is an increase in cases of people infected with Covid-19.
In the title of this media it reads that COVID-19 has returned, while in the content of the article...
Albania and neighboring countries are victims of cyber attacks
Albania severed its diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran after an investigation, which, according to the government, proved that the cyber attack of July this year was orchestrated by Tehran. Security experts warn that the decision increases the risk of other cybercrimes...
New nonsense on the web portal IN4S: Karadzic and Mladic will not be exchanged for prisoners of war from Ukraine
The web portal IN4S published an article claiming that “Western officials” are negotiating with Russia to exchange alleged NATO prisoners from Ukraine with war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
Prison cell with rays of light from the window.3d rendering
On June 18, 2022, the web...
Putin is not removing biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine
Conspiracy theories suggesting that Russia is removing biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine and fighting against the “New World Order” continue to be published on web portals and blogs.
Russian tanks liberate Ukraine from neo-Nazis Map/ Ukraine vs Russia
Two days after the beginning of the Russian...
Global narratives and local actors: 150 days of the war in Ukraine and over 1,500 disinformation in the region
The renewed open war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 150 days, but the spread of fake and manipulative news on this topic has been going on for much longer. Nevertheless, a real flood of misinformation and Russian propaganda about the...
Litany in Belgrade with Night Wolves motorcade and posters of Putin against the EuroPride event in September
A "Litany for the salvation of Serbia" was held in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, on Sunday, the 28th of August 2022, with the participants carrying church icons and photographs of Vladimir Putin. The walk was led by the motorcade of the Night Wolves...
The British-American plan to “abolish” the Republic of Srpska: A threat based on nothing
Several web portals reported on the “plan” to abolish the Republic of Srpska, which was initiated by ATV, although neither sources nor evidence was offered for such claims.
On July 10, 2022, the web portal of Alternative Television (ATV) published an article titled:
The British and Americans prepared...
China encroaches North Macedonia’s railroad sector [infographics]
The saying "Slow but steady wins the race" maybe is the simplest explanation of China's slow entry into the North Macedonia's railroad sector in the past several years. From the takeover of the Piraeus Port in neighboring Greece, through the purchase of locomotives and...
Did exports between Albania – China increase and what do experts say about Chinese influence?
Albania’s exports to China have marked in increase in 2022 by 67%. INSTAT official data, after being processed by Faktoje, showed China of “taking” ores, chromium, and copper concentrates from our country. Increase of export figures was recently announced even by the Chinese Ambassador...
The Montenegrin authorities are sending Simba, the lion cub that “hiked” around Budva, to the Netherlands
The Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro informed that after a five-month stay in the country, the lion cub Simba is leaving first to the Netherlands, and when it grows stronger there, will depart for the huge sanctuary operated by Four Paws in Africa.
The vehicle...
Truthmeter’s Editor-in-Chief Petreski: Western Balkans a target of foreign disinformation campaigns; we are working on revealing them
The malign influences which utilize disinformation spreads in the Western Balkans have a regional nature, and, as a result, one disinformation is crossing the border from one country to another and then it returns to the country of origin in a very degenerated form,...
“Oil crisis”, INSTAT figures and importers: No room for panic
Russia and Ukraine remains the two main oil importers to the country, despite the war between them. Following alarms raised by importers as the country is in danger of not having oil in the market, INSTAT data processed by Faktoje showed that in the...
The Western Balkans will need unity and cooperation across society to overcome press freedom challenges
In times of war and global polarization the Western Balkans region is divided along the lines of current polarizing forces. Disinformation campaigns, hate speech, physical attacks, threats, low income, poor economic status, divisions, self-censorship and job insecurity are the main challenges that the regional... Five months after tragic bus accident in Bulgaria, no one in N.Macedonia was held responsible
More than 5 months have passed since the tragic bus accident in Bulgaria when 45 Macedonian nationals lost their lives. The Bulgarian prosecution finished the investigation about the causes behind the accident, but North Macedonia's Prosecution is still continuing its investigation, by controlling Besa...