With the changes of four normative acts that were adopted today by the Bulgarian government all students from the Bulgarian diaspora in countries like North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Moldavia and Ukraine will be freed from paying scholarship for state schools and faculties in Bulgaria. The students in these countries are currently paying the same scholarship as Bulgarian citizens unless there is a mutual agreement for non-payment of scholarship with the country the students come from, inform Bulgarian media, citing a press release issued by the Bulgarian government.
With the changes introduced by the Bulgarian government which intention is obviously to target persons with Bulgarian self-consciousness in the aforementioned countries, state scholarships in the 240 levs (little less than 120 euros) for students such as these, including PHds from higher education and science organizations.
The changes will enter into force starting from the 2020/21 semester.
Another change that is planned is the inclusion of Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad and the Bulgarian diplomatic-consular outposts in the organizing and implementation of procedures for entries of students, PHd’s and specialists declaring themselves as Bulgarians that live outside of Bulgaria.