The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AVMU) will issue subpoenas against “1TV” and TV Sonce for constant violation of the referendum advertising during the period between 15th and 20th of September.
“AVMU stated that since its public announcement on the 14th of September, two broadcasters that are a subject of monitoring for the ways of covering the referendum didn’t adjust the broadcasting of the paid public propaganda with the Manual for media representation during the period when the referendum is occurring. “1TV” didn’t follow the allowed timing for the broadcasting of the “For” referendum advertisements, and TV Sonce for the “Boycott” of the referendum, which was in violation of the rules, and broadcasted them in several special informative programs. The Agency will issue subpoenas for violations that occurred in the period between 15-20th of September 2018″ informs AVMU.
AVMU also informed that the “inspection whether the rules for broadcasting paid public propaganda in this period was observed showed that several broadcasters, on the 20th of September, there were appeasements regarding the limits for broadcasting the media messages “For” referendum.
“If the data from the forthcoming days shows that these were not accidental mistakes, these broadcasters will receive fines in accordance to the regulations,” said AVMU.