World Balkans Albania’s national theater according to mayor Veliaj, “is a barrack, a fascist...

Albania’s national theater according to mayor Veliaj, “is a barrack, a fascist building”

The topic of the law that would demolish the National Theatre in order to build a new one in Albania keeps being the main topic in the public discourse.

This law was voted by the majority on July 52018, despite continuous protests from the artist’s community and activists.  According to this law, the new theater would be built in the area of the current National Theater via a public –private partnership. By this it is implied that the company “offered” to build the new theater for free, would be granted public land near the theater.

Opponents of this law pointed the unconstitutional side of the action claiming that this law goes against the constitution and breaches the Stabilization Association Agreement with EU which Albania signed in 2003.

Many historians, academics and architects, have noted the value this building represents, bringing facts and evidence on its cultural, architectural and historical value.

Despite this, Erion Veliaj, mayor of Tirana,  in a tweet posted a few days ago keeps calling the National Theater a fascist building, a barrack, a horse stall not worth to be maintained and those protesting every evening to protect it, as liars

However, besides the opposition from activists and artists, this project is opposed by Europa Nostra  noting how “this building constructed in 1938 is one of the most prominent cultural centers of the Tirana city” and that  “it is the last surviving historic landmark in the capital”.

The mayor, deleted his tweet, as he deletes the comments of the citizens criticizing him.