Ahmeti- Thimonier: DUI is under irrational media pressure, but it is not under anyone’s service


The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) is not in a hurry, but it wants to make sure that the citizen’s expectations will be fulfilled along with “re-opening and solving suspicious cases such as “Monster,” “Sopot,” “Kumanovo” (Divo Naselje) and the illegal wiretapping. This was said by DUI’s leader Ali Ahmeti at today’s meeting with Christian Thimonier, the Ambassador of France.

“The president of DUI spoke about the negotiations with VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, revealing our priorities such as the conclusion of the Ohrid Agreement, the rule of law, good neighborly relations, economic development and Euro-Atlantic integration,” said DUI’s press release about the meeting.

Ahmeti stressed that there is a media pressure over DUI, but added that the party is focused and is working rationally, and they “aren’t under the service to any party”

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