In order to increase transparency and accountability regarding public procurement, from now on, the public procurement electronic system (ESJN) will feature the assigned agreements, and the public will have an insight into the agreements themselves, reports the Ministry of Finance.
“The agreements will be available within the notifications for a concluded procurement. After the procurement have been completed, the agreements will be published on, informs the ministry.
The Government announced this measure with the goal to prevent any attempt for corruption during the conclusion of agreements between state institutions and companies.
Last year, at USAID’s conference on “Public Procurement in Macedonia: Experience and draft legislation for improvement”, it was highlighted that out of approximately 70.000 active companies in the country, only 4.800 are included in the public procurement business, which is worth about one billion euros annually.
The text is made within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory“, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, “Agora” Center for Promoting Civil Values and the Platform for Investigative Journalism and Analyzes – PINA, with the financial support of the “Foundation Open” Society – Macedonia “. The content of the text is the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the “Open Society Foundation – Macedonia”.