Gruevski-Peterle: EU and NATO are a fundamental commitment of Macedonia


The Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met today with the co-chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union, Alojz Peterle.

According to the statement from the Government on the meeting the interlocutors discussed the integration processes of Macedonia, the reforms which are realized in many social spheres and implementation of the measures according to the plan for progress and state of membership in the European Union and NATO, as a fundamental commitment of the Republic of Macedonia.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government’s membership in the European Union represents a significant strategic commitment, thus the intensive work in the implementation of further reforms that would enable progress. He stressed that the measures taken in the economy, creating of a favorable business climate, stimulating investment activity in order to help the citizens’ standard towards its increase intake of stability and security of the citizens.

The Prime Minister pointed out that parallel measures are taken in more social areas aimed at meeting the set criteria, improving job quality and enabling progress in various fields, which requires unblocking of the process and progress in the integration processes of the country.

On the meeting, views on the current political situation in the country, were exchanged, with the Prime Minister emphasized the importance and thanks to the active support and initiative, to the Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Union for overcoming the political crisis.

The interlocutors also discussed the foreign political relations important in the process of European integration, so the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of regional cooperation on several levels, as well as the commitment of the state to build good neighborly.