
VMRO-DPMNE: New elections are a mature solution for overcoming the crisis


VMRO-DPMNE together with the Coalition For Better Macedonia as the winner of the recent elections, who received the most support from the citizens and won the most votes and seats, believes that the formation of government should be aimed at ending the political crisis, not deepening it and believes that holding new elections is the mature decision in overcoming the crisis and implementing reform priorities, said a statement by VMRO-DPMNE after DUI failed to decide on a coalition with the party.

According to them, any other solution would only lead to new conflicts and problems in an already divided society and will not be able to function.

“Obviously someone wants to disregard the will of the majority of citizens and to push Macedonia into an uncertain new phase of its development. VMRO-DPMNE stands by its principled positions on strategic issues of national interest and our victory declared on December 17, 2016”, said in a statement by VMRO-DPMNE.

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