Tags Vienna Convention

Tag: Vienna Convention

Dačić: Živaljević was meant to report whether there were any Serbian nationals in Parliament

Today, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić stated that the official of the Embassy of Serbia in Macedonia and member of the Security Information Agency (BIA), Goran Živaljević, entered the Macedonian Parliament on April the 27th, during the violence, but did not violate diplomatic protocol, nor did he violate the Vienna Convention, he was just doing his job. “He did not...

MVR entered an agreement to recognize driver’s licenses of five more countries

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVR) reported it concluded contracts for reciprocal recognition of driver’s licenses between Macedonia and Italy, Spain, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro. MVR inform that based on the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968, Macedonia mutually recognizes driver’s licenses with Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Belgium and Austria. There are ongoing talks about recognizing the...