Tags Switzerland

Tag: Switzerland

Loan of €55.3 million for regional landfills in five regions in North Macedonia

On request of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, at the start of February, the Government of North Macedonia approved the start of the procedure for securing a loan from international financial institutions for implementing regional systems for waste management in the Southeastern, Vardar, Pelagonian, Southeastern and Polog regions. Over €55.3 million will be necessary to start the...

Security and Confidentiality – Main topics from the Internet Governance Forum

The security and confidentiality of the Internet, as well as the influence of fake news and the use of digital technologies for the manipulation of public opinion, along with the problem of diminished confidence in the media and state institutions, were the main topics discussed at the 12th meeting at the IGF (Internet Governance Forum), held in Geneva from...

The Swiss Model: Equal status for all Official Languages

Deputy Prime Minister for Implementation of Framework Agreement Musa Xhaferi told a press conference said that the best way to implement the Framework Agreement is to follow Switzerland's example, where all ethnic communities speak three languages. Here is a glimpse of Swiss law: Swiss constitutional law is based on four key principles: equality between languages, freedom of citizens to use any...