Tags Stevo Pendarovski

Tag: Stevo Pendarovski

President Pendarovski signs decrees on 21 laws

President of the country, Stevo Pendarovski, has signed decrees for the proclamation of 21 laws that had not been signed by former President Georgi Ivanov, reports his office. Among the decrees signed are the promulgation of the Law on amending the Law on the Operational-Technical Agency, the Law on the Central Population Register, the Law on Amendments to the Law...

Prince Edward visits Macedonia again after 13 years

British Prince Edward, Count of Wessex, yesterday arrived for an official visit to the country. He was greeted by Deputy Prime Minister Radmila Sekerinska, as well as by the British ambassador to the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Rachel Galloway at "Skopje" International Airport. Today, however, there was an official meeting with the new head of state, Stevo Pendarovski. Prince Edward...

Ivanov is still president – on the official web site

The former president of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, who yesterday handed over the office to the new president Stevo Pendarovski, the winner of the presidential elections, and will retire, is still named as the country's president on the official presidential web site - http://pretsedatel.mk/. Although the Office of the president Stevo Pendarovski yesterday started mailing press releases to the media on...

“Srbija danas” omits an “and” in text about Pendarovski and the Albanian voters

The anti-western Serbian news site "Srbija danas" (Serbia today) yesterday published a text about the results of the second round of the presidential elections in Macedonia, which is none other than speculations and slander and gibberish. The text, full of speculations and slander, is also a personal attack on the newly elected president of Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski. It claims that Pendarovski...

“Srbiji Danas” fali jedno “i” za Pendarovskog i albanske glasove

Antizapadni srpski onlajn medijum "Srbija Danas" juče je objavio tekst o rezultatima drugog kruga predsedničkih izbora u Makedoniji, koji nije ništa osim - red špekulacija i kleveta, red vetra u magli. Tekst, pun špekulacija i kleveta, predstavlja direktan napad na novoizabranog predsednika Makedonije, Stevu Pendarovskog. U tekstu se tvrdi da je Pendarovski pobedio zahvaljujući glasovima Albanaca, što nije istina, i fali...

Pendarovski: I will serve everyone devotedly, I will unite, not divide

Citizens won these crystal clear, fair and democratic elections and I solemnly want to announce that I will serve everyone devotedly, said Stevo Pendarovski from the SDSM party headquarters tonight, where his celebrated his electoral victory in the presidential elections. "I will strive for fairness and rule of law, I will unite not divide, I will be a factor of...

Analiza: U drugom krugu predsednika će birati glasači Albanci

Фото: Борче Поповски
Prvi krug predsedničkih izbora koji je održan u nedelju, osim što je prošao u znaku jedne od najnižih izlaznosti na izbore i druge plebiscitarne forme u nezavisnoj Makedoniji, doneo je i šok vladajućoj koaliciji. Njihov kandidat, Stevo Pendarevski, ostvario je praktično mikronsku prednost pred svojim glavnim konkurentom za funkciju šefa države, Gordanom Siljanovskom – Davkovom, odnosno on ulazi u...

Analysis: Ethnic Albanian votes will elect the president in the second round

Фото: Борче Поповски
The first round of the presidential elections held last Sunday left the ruling coalition shaken, with one of the lowest turnouts and other plebiscitary forms in independent Macedonia. The candidate of the ruling coalition, Stevo Pendarovski, is slightly leading the vote count ahead of his main opponent, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, i.e. he is advancing to the run-off with only 4.486...

Анализ: Във втория тур президентът ще бъде избиран от избирателите албанци

Фото: Борче Поповски
Първият тур на президентските избори в неделя, освен че мина с избирателна активност, която е една от най-ниските на изборите и други плебисцитни форми в независима Македония, донесе и шок за управляващата коалиция. Техният кандидат, Стево Пендаровски, постигна почти микронно предимство от основния си конкурент за позицията на държавен глава, Гордана Силяновска - Давкова, т.е. във втория тур той...

Pendarovski: The political decisions we made affected the result

At a press conference today, presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski said that the direction in which the state will go depends on the outcome of the elections. "We can very easily fall back into crisis, isolation and see everything we have achieved disappear. That is what my political opponents stand for! Gruevski's regime can very easily be resurrected, as it still...

Poll: Pendarovski increases his lead by 3.7% ahead of Siljanovska

Presidential candidate for the SDSM and DUI parties, Stevo Pendarovski is leading in the polls (27.2%), and is ahead of VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska Dakovska (23.5%), ie a difference of 3.7% points. This proves the view that it is a fair race, even though in the meantime, Pendarovski, according to a previous poll increased his lead from 2.6% to...

Debate: How the future president can influence finding solutions to pollution

The civic association "O2 Initiative" is organizing public debate "Environmental Degradation - A Threat to National Security", which will take place on Sunday (April 14th) in the Public Room starting at 15.30. The three presidential candidates Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, Blerim Reka and Stevo Pendarovski will participate in the debate. "In the wake of the presidential elections, taking into account the serious...

Kampanja počela sa jogom, politikom i matematikom

Na samom početku kampanje za predsedničke izbore u Severnoj Makedoniji ima, razume se, puno politike, ali i puno matematike i... pomalo zabave. Glasači će 21. aprila u prvom krugu birati između tri kandidata, Steve Pendarovskog – kandidata kojeg podržava vladajuća stranka SDSM, Gordane Siljanovske – Davkove koja se deklariše kao nezavisni kandidat, ali je dobila podršku opozicione VMRO-DPMNE i Blerima...

Кампанията започна с йога, политика и математика

В самото начало на кампанията за президентските избори в Северна Македония, има разбира се, много политика, но и много математика и ... малко забавление. Гласоподавателите на 21 април в първия тур ще избират между трима кандидати Стево Пендаровски - кандидат, подкрепен от управляващата партия СДСМ, Гордана Силяновска - Давкова, която се определя като независим кандидат, но получи подкрепата на опозиционната...

Predsednička trka započela – kraj neizvestan

Troje kandidata za predsednika Republike Severne Makedonije iskristalizovalo se završetkom Kongresa vladajuće SDSM 3. marta, na kojem je prvi put u novijoj istoriji zemlje potvrđen i tzv. konsenzualni kandidat. Imena su poznata, datumi takođe, ali je nepoznato iz više razloga, kada će zemlja izabrati novog predsednika Na šestim po redu predsedničkim izborima od nezavisnosti do danas treba da se izabere...

Президентската надпревара започна – краят несигурен

Трима кандидати за президент на Република Северна Македония бяха декларирани с края на Конгреса на управляващия СДСМ на 3 март, на който за първи път в новата история на страната бе потвърден консенсусен кандидат. Имената са известни, датите също така, но е неизвестно по много причини, кога страната ще избере новия президент. На шестите президентски избори от независимостта досега...

Пак избори в Македония, този път президентски

В Република Македония през април ще се проведат шестите президентски избори. Изборите за президент, както предвижда Конституцията на Република Македония, трябва да се насрочат 60 дни преди изтичането на мандата на досегашния държавен глава. На настоящият президент Георге Иванов втория петгодишен мандат му изтича на 12 май. Въпреки, че досега нито една политическа партия не е излязла със собствен кандидат...

Pendarovski: If there is no census, the institutions will decide

If there is no census in the referendum on Sunday, this means that the decision will be in the hands of the institutions - says the country's National Coordinator for NATO, Stevo Pendarovski. According to him, the mood amongst the public regarding the referendum is positive and is increasing. Pendarovski says he expects that a clear message will be sent from...

Government forms NATO Integration Committee chaired by Prime Minister Zaev

At its 86th session, the Government formed a Committee for NATO integration and it will be chaired by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, while vice prime ministers Radmila Shekerinska Jankovska, Bujar Osmani, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov were appointed as deputies. Permanent members in the Committee are ministers Oliver Spasovski, Renata Deskoska, Dragan Tevdovski, Damjan Manchevski, Major General...

Pendarovski: The referendum is of same historical weight as that of independence

The referendum on September 30th, is of identical importance and of equal historical weight, as the September 8, 1991 referendum on independence, said National Coordinator for NATO Stevo Pendarovski at the civic tribune in Bitola, which is part of the coalition of the Together for a European Macedonia coalition. At the meetings with citizens, the benefits from NATO and EU membership...