Tags SDSM.

Tag: SDSM.

Fake news and (self) regulation in the focus of the electoral manifestos of VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM

The media and the self-regulation, the threats and lawsuits that the journalists face, the fake news, media literacy, and the financial support for the media are all present in the electoral manifestos of two of the biggest political parties that will be participating in North Macedonia's parliamentary elections on the 15th of July. In VMRO-DPMNE's electoral manifesto titled "Renewal of...

Srpski RTS izgubljen u kalendaru: stranka VMRO-DPMNE izabrala predsedničkog kandidata

Srpski radio difuzni servis RTS je sinoć na svojoj internet stranici objavio vest o jučerašnjem razgovoru predsednika stranke SDSM, Zorana Zaeva, i predsednika stranke DUI, Alija Ahmetija, u kome su se oba partnera vladajuće koalicije dogovorili da na predsedničke izbore 21. aprila nastupe sa zajedničkim kandidatom. Ovu informaciju RTS-a je preuzelo više portala bez provere. Prenoseći napise u makedonskim medijima o...

Pregrupisanje ili samo defokusiranje na makedonskoj političkoj sceni?

Taman se makedonska javnost opustila i pomislila da je koalicija između vladajućih stranaka Socijaldemokratskog saveza Zorana Zaeva i Demokratske unije Albanaca Alija Ahmetija granitno čvrsta – koalicija je poljuljana. Obe stranke, obe žrtve nasilja u makedonskom parlamentu kada su bili povređeni premijer Zoran Zaev, poslanici i novinari, su raskinule ljubav – ili barem je tako delovalo – ni manje...

Gašenjem Specijalnog tužilaštva u Makedoniji će se ugasiti i nada u pravnu državu

Vrhovni sud Makedonije kao vrhovna sudska instanca u zemlji, poslednjim kontroveznim pravnim mišljenjem izgleda gasi iskre nade da će se predvodnici režima prebeglog eks-premijera Nikole Gruevskog suočiti sa pravdom. Posle ove odluke hiljadama građana koji su uzvikivali „Nema pravde – nema mira” (Nema pravda – nema mir!) marširajući u „Šarenoj revoluciji” za podršku Specijalnom javnom tužilaštvu, postalo je jasno...

SDSM talks about new perspectives while VMRO-DPMNE says that the Macedonian identity has been changed

We have new perspectives and 2019 shall be a year of progress, integration, economic growth and more funds for each citizen. With the adoption of the new amendents to the Constitution, Macedonia has opened a new and bright page of the future with stability, security, and economic growth, stated SDSM. "Macedonia will become NATO's 30th country member and during this...

SDSM: Mickoski, citizens are in first place, they’re not a statistical error

The frivolous and anti-state behavior of VMRO-DPMNE president Hristijan Mickoski went as far as him publicly stating that the citizens are a statistical error for him. Citizens are not and will never be any kind of error, as Mickoski says. Citizens are most important, they are in first place, SDSM said in response to yesterday's statement by Mickoski. "For what...

VMRO-DPMNE`s position on the referendum will be declared by September 10, says Mickoski

Yesterday VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with TV “Kanal 5” that he would announce by the 10th of September, weather he would call for the membership to boycott the referendum on 30th of September, or vote against or vote in favour. He went on to deny that his party was seeking amnesty. The SDSM reacted to...

Zaev accepts TV debate with Mickoski

Prime Minister and President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, accepted an invitation for a TV debate from the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Kristijan Mickoski. This was announced by the government yesterday, shortly after Miskoski sent the challenge to Zaev after the party's Central Committee session. "Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is ready for a TV debate at any time with Hristijan Mickoski, because the...

Line 4, added to the Electoral Code in Przino, is holding up the dismissal of Zvrlevski

The provision of Article 8-a of the Electoral Code, which VMRO-DPMNE requested an opinion from the State Commission for Preventing Corruption (SCPC), regarding the parliamentary debate on the dismissal of the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski, was added to the Electoral Code in accordance with the Przino Agreement, which was signed to solve the political crisis in 2015 by SDSM,...

Zaev and Sela had talks about department staff issues in the new government

The talks are happening with all political parties and I believe that we shall start talks about the departments and the names of ministers, said today SDSM’s party leader Zoran Zaev before the meeting with the party leader of the Alliance of the Albanians, Zijadin Sela had begun. - I hope that we shall determine the important principles about what will...

Mančevski: We don’t have anything further to say to Hahn that he doesn’t already know

The consultations between SDSM and the other political parties that gave their signatures in order Zoran Zaev to be the new mandatary, are still underway, and tomorrow, mostly by Tuesday, the proposal for a new president at the Parliament will be known, said the vice president of SDSM, Damjan Mančevski, for Television 24. -I believe that by the start of...

VMRO-DPMNE demands new parliamentary elections alongside local elections

VMRO-DPMNE feels an obligation to respect the will of the majority of citizens that have voted for the Coalition “For a Better Macedonia” and because of that reason including our strategic determination, we will not allow any solution that is contrary to the state and national interests, said today’s VMRO-DPMNE press release. “It is legitimate for Zoran Zaev and SDSM...

SDSM: SPO’s mandate will be extended, and Gruevski will have to face justice

Nikola Gruevski will have to come to terms that he will face justice for "all the crimes he has committed against the citizens, he will have to take responsibility", reads the statement by SDSM at today’s press conference by Vladimir Gjorchev from VMRO-DPMNE. "Justice is part of the ongoing democratic process in Macedonia. Nikola Gruevski will have to accept that he...

Shilegov: By a warrant by UBK the work of 22 NGOs and 42 persons who are criticizing the authorities is being checked

SDSM’s spokesperson and MP at the Parliament, Petre Shilegov, today has said that according to the information they have, by an initiative of the current director of the Directory of Security and counterintelligence and former director of the Directorate of financial intelligence, Vladimir Atanasovski, the State commission for corruption prevention (SCCP) has asked an inspection of 22 NGOs. -The Directorate...

Zaev called upon the citizens to remain calm and not to fall for provocations

Let’s not allow any provocations by anyone including the one who was constantly ruining Macedonia for 10 years. His time is over, said SDSM’s leader, Zoran Zaev on his Facebook profile. “The institutions have to perform their obligations in accordance with the Constitution and the law. It doesn’t depend on SEC and the Administrative court whether someone will form a...

Four anticorruption proceedings start due to employment ahead of elections

Today the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (DKSK) at a public session e on four cases of illegal employment in public institutions and enterprises in the pre-election period. The complaints of corruption were submitted by he Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, and out of five complaints, the DKSK did not accept the complaint concerning the employment of the IT...

VMRO-DPMNE has spent 6 times more during the campaign than they reported

The State Election Commission has published the financial reports of the political parties from the beginning of the election campaign until the November 30th, that the parties, according to the deadline, submitted yesterday to the SEC, the State Auditor and the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (DKSK). From the parties’ reports, the most interesting one is the financial...

If leaders agree tonight, the laws will be in parliamentary session tomorrow

In the MPs Clubhouse the meeting began of the Presidents of VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DPA and DUI, Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci. It is expected that party leaders signatories to the Przino Agreement to have the last word on the disputes on the Law on Government and the Privacy Act. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of...

Kotevski: Vanhoutte knows where to put the pressure and on who

"Negotiations are alive, and talks are ongoing, but it is best to ask the mediator of the talks, Peter Vanhoutte", said today Ivo Kotevski the Director of the Centre for Communications for VMRO-DPMNE. Whet “Meta”asked him while at bilateral meetings was the mediator putting more pressure on Vmro -DMMNE compared to all the other parties. Mr Kotevski said to comment...

Zaev: Today the electoral law will be finalised

Negotiations on the electoral law will come to a finish today, and from tomorrow the matter of  the state of media and changes in MRTV will be an open question, said the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev after a debate in Ohrid called "Vision for Macedonia". “On the agenda are MRTV, MIA, and the Agency for Audio and Visual Media Services. MRTV...