Tags ГраѓанитеЗаМакедонија

Tag: ГраѓанитеЗаМакедонија

Debate in the camp in front of the Government: What kind of Macedonia we want after exiting the political crisis?

In the "Camp of Liberty" in front of the Government, debate: "What kind of Macedonia we want after exiting the political crisis? Visions, positions and policies" will be held today at 6 pm. The topic will be discussed by representatives of civil organizations and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev. Speakers from civil society will be Natalija Popovska of Transparency Macedonia, Muhamed...

The number of foreigners who will participate in the protest on Sunday is increasing

Richard Howitt, Kunt Flenkenstein and Giacomo Philippe, Secretary General of PES, MEPs from Sweden and representatives of the Socialist Party in Finland, will be guests of SDSM at the mass civil protest which is scheduled to start on Sunday at 2 pm. SDSM officially said that their colleagues will come to express their support in the fight against the regime,...