Tags АбдилаќимАдеми

Tag: АбдилаќимАдеми

The requirements of high school students to be discussed on government session

Negotiations between "High school plenum" and the Ministry of Education and Science will continue, and the demands of high school students will be debated at today’s session of the government. After the meeting, high school students say they didn’t receive a particular promise, but are optimistic and believe that they will find an understanding of the Ministry of Education...

Ademi: Proposals of MP groups will be accepted in the form of amendments

I will make maximum efforts to end the negative phenomena in education because it is our responsibility to provide quality education for a healthy society and a European vision of our country. I hope that you, the academic community, will give me your support for this, said Minister of Education and Science, Abdilakim Ademi, at the public debate held...

“Student plenum”: Minister, did you hear the voice of 10,000 students?

Students from informal student organization “Student plenum” left after waiting two hours in front of the Ministry of Education, where, behind closed doors, Minister of Education and Science Abdilakim Ademi and Deputy Minister Spiro Ristovski had an official meeting with the deans of pedagogical faculties. The meeting was moved at the last minute, so, instead of the announced public debate...